MEDGAZ succeeds in the completion of his schedule maintenance.

  • The operation of the system has been stable during its first five and a half years of transporting natural gas to Spain
  • At the end of September, the gas pipeline has exceeded monthly transport expectations and met the planned commercial gas nominations.

Almería, 05/10/2016

MEDGAZ has successfully completed the maintenance program for the underwater gas pipeline linking Algeria and Spain, scheduled for the fifth year of operation. After more than 5 years of operation, during this month of September three shutdowns, of 12 hours each, have been executed on 20, 23 and 28 September, to carry out planned preventive maintenance work, where it has been verified that the installations are in perfect condition to guarantee the transport of gas to Spain.

In this line, MEDGAZ has exceeded expectations for natural gas supply during September, meeting the commercial nominations demanded, which reached 70% of its available capacity, the same values as in September 2015, and more than double than in previous years.

MEDGAZ connected its gas pipeline to the Spanish gas system on March 5, 2011 and began commercial operations on April 1 of that year, using the latest available technology in its design and construction. During these five and a half years MEDGAZ facilities have offered a 100% availability level. From MEDGAZ we want to point out that these high rates have been achieved thanks to the direct work with SONATRACH and ENAGAS, who have make easier with their collaboration the fulfillment of the established objectives of gas transportation.

MEDGAZ, headquartered in Almería, and integrated by SONATRACH, CEPSA and GAS NATURAL FENOSA, is the company responsible for transporting natural gas from Algeria to southern Europe. The submarine infrastructure is the first installation of these characteristics built more than 2,000 meters deep in the Mediterranean Sea. With an initial capacity of 8,000 million cubic meters a year, it transports natural gas directly from Beni Saf on the Algerian coast to Almería.

Its entry into operation five years ago has meant an improvement in security of supply, a more direct and therefore efficient way of supplying costs, contributing significantly to the goals set in the Paris COP 21 agreements by bringing closer a cleaner energy, such as natural gas, to the European consumer.

From the strategic point of view, MEDGAZ is a clear energetic actor on the rise. The gas pipeline, whose useful life exceeds 50 years, currently carries 25% of the gas consumed in Spain and carries 15% of the gas exported by Algeria. The historical values of supply, technical excellence and the achievement of the maintenance program have demonstrated the fulfillment of the marked objectives and the stability of this gas infrastructure.


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