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Corporate Social Responsibility

MEDGAZ is a company committed to its environment, which, through its corporate social responsibility activity, tries to return to society the benefits it obtains from it through its business. Likewise, the company carries out responsible management of its resources, ensuring to minimize the effect of its activity on its scope of implementation.

In its corporate social responsibility policy, people are placed at the center. As an economic and industrial agent, it seeks to promote the quality of life of the people who work in the company as well as all the interest groups that, in one way or another, are influenced by its action.

One of the main commitments is focused on social improvement and responsible management of the environment where it operates.

MEDGAZ's CSR strategy pivots on actions that favor:

Social insertion.

Pursuing the integration of people through policies based on respect, equal opportunities, diversity and inclusion.

Empowerment of people.

Our commitment focuses on the development of people. Solid pillars based on training and continuous learning, in order to promote both professional and human development, constantly seeking recycling and adaptation to new market circumstances. Likewise, policies that favor equality and the possibility of internal promotion are promoted in order to guarantee recognition of involvement, competence and capacity.

Commitment to the environment.

Implementing policies and protocols that minimize the impact of its activity on the environment and promoting energy savings and reducing the carbon footprint.

Training of future professionals.

Facilitating the incorporation of trainee personnel, through collaborations with training entities (currently, Universidad de Almería and Université de Aïn Témouchent).

Promotion of healthy lifestyle habits.

Promote activities that help improve healthy habits through sports and awareness of physical and mental health.

Respect for Human Rights.

Establishing lines of collaboration with entities in the environment that pursue the improvement of living conditions and social inclusion.

MEDGAZ is committed to evaluating all initiatives of a social, sporting or cultural nature that are brought to them by various associations and groups, and, in accordance with its Corporate Social Responsibility policy, and always prioritizing proximity projects, contributes to making possible those that result. more viable from an economic point of view.

In recent years, among the groups and associations that have had the collaboration of MEDGAZ, the following should be noted:

Associations and confederations of a social nature:

  • Cáritas Diocesana. Official confederation of charitable action entities whose objective is to welcome and support vulnerable and socially excluded people in order to promote their integration and social participation.
  • Adoratrices. EMAUS Project. Project for social integration and residential support for women in contexts of social exclusion.
  • Association de Bienfaisance KAFIL EL YATIM.
  • Croissant-Rouge Algérien. Humanitarian association created with the purpose of improving the living conditions of vulnerable people.
  • ASTEA–Autism. Association whose mission is the social inclusion of people with Autism Spectrum Disorder, ensuring their social inclusion.

Regarding the promotion of sports activities and healthy habits:

  • La Desértica popular race.
  • TOWANDA Women’s Handball Club.
  • El Alquián Neighborhood Association.

At MEDGAZ we promote Corporate Social Responsibility that evaluates the company’s impacts on society, the economy and the environment, guaranteeing compliance with international regulations throughout the value chain and responding to the legitimate expectations of stakeholder groups. interest in facility environments.

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