The Harbour of Almería, MEDGAZ and the University of Almería renew their collaboration one year more

RONCO and LÓPEZ GUILLÉN add to the initiative

Almería, 17/07/2015

The harbour Authorities, with MEDGAZ, the University of Almeria and the Mediterranean Foundation of the UAL have been doing environmental controls since a few years inside the Harbour of Almería and recently, also in the Harbour of Carboneras. In the Harbour the Almería they do air quality tests (particles in suspension and sediments), water quality and sediments, despite in the Harbour of Carboneras they control de quality of the water and sediments, and they have the intention to start with the air control too. 

The Harbour Authorities of Almería manage the Harbour of both Almería and Carboneras. In them there are carried out Works of manipulation, storage, loading and unloading of bulks, activities that is necessary to realise with extreme precautions to preserve the Environment and the life in nearby populated areas. 

With the signing of the agreement in question, the involvement of J. RONCO AND CIA S.L. and LÓPEZ GUILLÉN, S.A. is a significant fact, since they are the key pieces in the optimization of the working methods carried out. Thus, there is a commitment for the improvement of port operations by those who directly develop them. In addition, the signing of this Agreement is a major step in the environmental monitoring and control of the Ports of Almeria and Carboneras, and an example of good will. 

The signing of this agreement represents for MEDGAZ another proof of the company’s commitment to the sustainability and environmental quality of the infrastructure and all the processes that make up the management of the pipeline. In this way, the program of environmental monitoring in the marine environment close to the coast where the pipeline installations will be located will continue, in the same line that has been followed since 2008, when the first Collaboration Agreement was signed. The activities of this program are defined within the Environmental Management System implemented in the company, and ratified with the Certification of MEDGAZ in accordance with the International Standard of Environmental Management ISO 14001. 

All this work will be carried out by the Research Group “Analytical Chemistry of Contaminants” of the University of Almeria, which has extensive experience in environmental control of water and marine sediments and air, using analytical procedures in accordance with international standards. In this study, among others, the tasks of sampling, in situ measurements, analysis of chemical, physical-chemical and biological parameters, evaluation of compliance with environmental quality indicators and proposing measures will be carried out.


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