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Environment policy

MEDGAZ assumed an absolute commitment to the environment from the first moment. The different shareholders who have participated in the company, in line with its general environmental policy and performance. They have committed to operating the infrastructure with the maximum respect for the environment.

The environmental commitments is reflected in the design of the entire infrastructure and components of the project, from the layout of the gas pipeline to the technology of the compression and reception stations, including the selection of construction methods that minimize environmental impact, to the daily operation.

The Environmental Impact Statement, which validated the selected route, proposed a series of corrective measures that MEDGAZ scrupulously applies.

MEDGAZ pledges to:

Olas del mar
  • Protect the environment and surrounding community and prevent harmful effects and damage through the implementation of safe, secure, reliable and sound environmental processes during and after the construction period.

  • Minimize environmental impacts, using the most leading-edge and environmentally friendly technologies.

  • Actively comply with the environmental regulatory  framework.

To achieve these results, MEDGAZ has undertaken the following actions and initiatives:

  • Develop, implement and reinforce an Environmental Management System in accordance with the ISO 14001 international standard.

  • Identify and periodically update environmental goals and benchmarks.

  • Ensure that all employees and contractors are fully and properly trained in environmental issues.

  • Make the most efficient use of natural resources.

  • Protect and conserve the natural heritage of all locations where the company conducts its operations.

  • MEDGAZ has information about its environmental performance, which is available upon request through the contact mailbox.

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Beni Saf (Algeria) Restoration

Almería (Spain) Restoration

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