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Transition energy towards a decarbonized future

Out of all the fossil fuels used as a primary source of energy, natural gas has the least environmental impact. Its chief component is methane, making up approximately 90%.

The molecular structure of methane has one carbon atom and four hydrogen atoms (referred to as CH4), so that its combustion generates between 45% and 70% less CO₂ than other combustible fossils, such as coal, oil and their derivatives.

Natural gas will continue to be, at least until 2030, a necessary source to ensure the supply of the electricity market, as shown by the data from the National Integrated Energy and Climate Plan (PNIEC 2021-2030) prepared by the Ministry of Ecological Transition and the Challenge Demographic.

Source: gettyimages.com
fuego y gas

The absence of sulphur, heavy hydrocarbons and other impurities in its composition makes it much more environmentally friendly.

Specifically, the use of natural gas as a fuel for electrical power generation means that carbon dioxide emissions are reduced by approximately 40%, compared to a conventional coal-fired plant.

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