press releases

MEDGAZ will carry out the internal inspection of the gas pipeline between 17 and 27 september 2024

MEDGAZ will carry out the internal inspection of the gas pipeline between 17 and 27 september 2024. It is part of the regular maintenance work on the gas pipeline, which began in 2023. Almería, 12/09/2024 From the early hours of Tuesday, 17 September until Friday, 27 September, MEDGAZ will carry out an internal inspection of the gas pipeline that connects its facilities from Beni Saf (Algeria) to la playa de Perdigal in Almería (Spain). This operation is a continuation of last year’s maintenance work, and as in the previous year, it will be carried out using pistons of different types that will be introduced into the pipeline in the MEDGAZ Compression station located in Beni Saf (Algeria) which, driven by the natural gas transported by the pipeline, will travel to the Reception Terminal in Almería for inspection and cleaning. The cleaning operation carried out last year, the first comprehensive operation undertaken on the gas pipeline since the start of its activity, guarantees the internal inspection scheduled for 17 September will be simpler. As the operation is carried out inside the pipeline, as in 2023, there are no risks to the marine environment or interference with fishing activity or maritime traffic. This inspection will be in addition to those carried out every three years from outside the pipeline. In accordance with MEDGAZ management protocol, the Local Almería Government has been duly informed of the procedure, who in turn will advise the relevant department of Public Administration, so that they are aware of the operation. DONWLOAD PDF Return MEDGAZ Press contact

MEDGAZ will carry out the internal inspection of the gas pipeline between 17 and 27 september 2024 Read More »

MEDGAZ will carry out the complete internal cleaning of the gas pipeline between the 16th and 28th june

MEDGAZ will carry out the complete internal cleaning of the gas pipeline between the 16th and 28th june This is part of the regular maintenance work of the pipeline, which must be carried out after approximately every ten years of activity. Almería, 15/06/2023 From tomorrow, Friday 16th June, until next Wednesday 28th June, MEDGAZ will carry out the complete internal cleaning of the gas pipeline that connects the Beni Saf (Algeria) installations to the Perdigal beach in Almería (Spain). This internal cleaning will be done by means of the use of pistons that will be introduced into the pipeline at the MEDGAZ compression station located in Beni Saf, Algeria, and which, driven by the natural gas that is transported along the pipeline itself, will travel to the reception terminal in Almería, for pipeline inspection and cleaning. This is the first time that MEDGAZ is carrying out the internal cleaning of the pipeline, which the best practices in the field of gas transportation recommend doing approximately every ten years of operation to guarantee pipeline integrity. This is therefore a routine procedure in gas pipeline maintenance. The operation will be carried out following a conservative strategy to minimise any type of risk. It should be noted that as this is an operation that will be carried out on the inside of the pipeline, there is no risk to the marine environment, nor interference with fishing activity or marine traffic. This inspection will be complementary to those carried out every three years from the outside of the pipeline. In accordance with management protocol, the Port Authority of Almería, the Almería Harbour Master, Almería Airport and the Local Almería Government have been duly notified of this procedure, and they in turn have informed the appropriate public Administrations, so that they are aware of the operation. DONWLOAD PDF Return MEDGAZ Press contact

MEDGAZ will carry out the complete internal cleaning of the gas pipeline between the 16th and 28th june Read More »

MEDGAZ engages to study the compatibility of its facilities to the combined transport of natural gas and hydrogen

MEDGAZ engages to study the compatibility of its facilities to the combined transport of natural gas and hydrogen MEDGAZ will carry out during the year 2023 the necessary studies aimed to examine the compatibility of its infrastructures for the transportation of hydrogen and blending with natural gas. Almería, 18/11/2022 In its firm desire to support energy changes and mutations towards a cleaner environment, MEDGAZ has agreed to carry out relevant studies to adapt existing facilities to the combined transport of natural gas and hydrogen. A market which, according to several forecasts, offers prospects for interesting and promising development, particularly in Europe. To this end, MEDGAZ will carry out during the year 2023 the necessary studies in order to examine the compatibility of its infrastructures with the transport of hydrogen according to several proportions of blending with natural gas. At the same time, a working group will be set up to develop business opportunities in this area. MEDGAZ has the firm intention of aligning and adapting to the standards being developed in Algeria, Spain and Europe, relating to the transport of hydrogen by gas pipelines. Thus, offering a reliable energy supply infrastructure for Europe with a low carbon footprint. It should be recalled that MEDGAZ has just completed the extension of its facilities with the start-up of a fourth compressor at the Béni Saf station (Algeria) which will increase the transport capacity to 10 bcm per year. The shareholders of MEDGAZ are Sonatrach with a 51% stake and Medina Partnership (50% joint venture between Naturgy and BlackRock) with the remaining 49%. DOWNLOAD PDF Return MEDGAZ Press contact

MEDGAZ engages to study the compatibility of its facilities to the combined transport of natural gas and hydrogen Read More »

MEDGAZ will increase by 25% his natural gas transport capacity between Algeria and Spain

MEDGAZ will increase by 25% his natural gas transport capacity between Algeria and Spain. The expansion will be carried out by expanding the compression station in Beni Saf (Algeria). Almería, 29/11/2019 MEDGAZ S.A. will increase his natural gas transport capacity between Beni Saf, in Algeria, and Almería, in Spain. After the expansion, MEDGAZ will have a transport capacity above 10.000 million cubic meters per year with regard to the current 8.000 million. The estimated investment ascends to 68 million euros. The project will be operational in Januray 2021. The MEDGAZ pipeline, being a direct route, is the most advantageous in terms of cost for natural gas supply to the south of Europe. The expansion is very favorable in terms of ratio between additional capacity and corresponding investment. The project will involve the installation of a fourth turbocompressor at the MEDGAZ facilities in Beni Saf (Algeria) and will take place through an EPC (engineering, procurement and construction) contract, which has recently been awarded to the company Arkad ABB. MEDGAZ operates the Algeria – Europe submarine pipeline, via Spain, supplying natural gas directly from Beni Saf, on the Algerian coast, and Almería, on the Spanish coast. Since its launch in April 2011, MEDGAZ has completed eight years and a half of uninterrupted operation, having been stablished as one of the most important entrances to the Spanish gas system. DOWNLOAD PDF Return MEDGAZ External Relations

MEDGAZ will increase by 25% his natural gas transport capacity between Algeria and Spain Read More »

MEDGAZ succeeds in the completion of his schedule maintenance

MEDGAZ succeeds in the completion of his schedule maintenance. The operation of the system has been stable during its first five and a half years of transporting natural gas to Spain At the end of September, the gas pipeline has exceeded monthly transport expectations and met the planned commercial gas nominations. Almería, 05/10/2016 MEDGAZ has successfully completed the maintenance program for the underwater gas pipeline linking Algeria and Spain, scheduled for the fifth year of operation. After more than 5 years of operation, during this month of September three shutdowns, of 12 hours each, have been executed on 20, 23 and 28 September, to carry out planned preventive maintenance work, where it has been verified that the installations are in perfect condition to guarantee the transport of gas to Spain. In this line, MEDGAZ has exceeded expectations for natural gas supply during September, meeting the commercial nominations demanded, which reached 70% of its available capacity, the same values as in September 2015, and more than double than in previous years. MEDGAZ connected its gas pipeline to the Spanish gas system on March 5, 2011 and began commercial operations on April 1 of that year, using the latest available technology in its design and construction. During these five and a half years MEDGAZ facilities have offered a 100% availability level. From MEDGAZ we want to point out that these high rates have been achieved thanks to the direct work with SONATRACH and ENAGAS, who have make easier with their collaboration the fulfillment of the established objectives of gas transportation. MEDGAZ, headquartered in Almería, and integrated by SONATRACH, CEPSA and GAS NATURAL FENOSA, is the company responsible for transporting natural gas from Algeria to southern Europe. The submarine infrastructure is the first installation of these characteristics built more than 2,000 meters deep in the Mediterranean Sea. With an initial capacity of 8,000 million cubic meters a year, it transports natural gas directly from Beni Saf on the Algerian coast to Almería. Its entry into operation five years ago has meant an improvement in security of supply, a more direct and therefore efficient way of supplying costs, contributing significantly to the goals set in the Paris COP 21 agreements by bringing closer a cleaner energy, such as natural gas, to the European consumer. From the strategic point of view, MEDGAZ is a clear energetic actor on the rise. The gas pipeline, whose useful life exceeds 50 years, currently carries 25% of the gas consumed in Spain and carries 15% of the gas exported by Algeria. The historical values of supply, technical excellence and the achievement of the maintenance program have demonstrated the fulfillment of the marked objectives and the stability of this gas infrastructure. DOWNLOAD PDF Return MEDGAZ External Relations

MEDGAZ succeeds in the completion of his schedule maintenance Read More »

The Harbour of Almería, MEDGAZ and The University of Almería renew their collaboration one year more

The Harbour of Almería, MEDGAZ and the University of Almería renew their collaboration one year more RONCO and LÓPEZ GUILLÉN add to the initiative Almería, 17/07/2015 The harbour Authorities, with MEDGAZ, the University of Almeria and the Mediterranean Foundation of the UAL have been doing environmental controls since a few years inside the Harbour of Almería and recently, also in the Harbour of Carboneras. In the Harbour the Almería they do air quality tests (particles in suspension and sediments), water quality and sediments, despite in the Harbour of Carboneras they control de quality of the water and sediments, and they have the intention to start with the air control too.  The Harbour Authorities of Almería manage the Harbour of both Almería and Carboneras. In them there are carried out Works of manipulation, storage, loading and unloading of bulks, activities that is necessary to realise with extreme precautions to preserve the Environment and the life in nearby populated areas.  With the signing of the agreement in question, the involvement of J. RONCO AND CIA S.L. and LÓPEZ GUILLÉN, S.A. is a significant fact, since they are the key pieces in the optimization of the working methods carried out. Thus, there is a commitment for the improvement of port operations by those who directly develop them. In addition, the signing of this Agreement is a major step in the environmental monitoring and control of the Ports of Almeria and Carboneras, and an example of good will.  The signing of this agreement represents for MEDGAZ another proof of the company’s commitment to the sustainability and environmental quality of the infrastructure and all the processes that make up the management of the pipeline. In this way, the program of environmental monitoring in the marine environment close to the coast where the pipeline installations will be located will continue, in the same line that has been followed since 2008, when the first Collaboration Agreement was signed. The activities of this program are defined within the Environmental Management System implemented in the company, and ratified with the Certification of MEDGAZ in accordance with the International Standard of Environmental Management ISO 14001.  All this work will be carried out by the Research Group “Analytical Chemistry of Contaminants” of the University of Almeria, which has extensive experience in environmental control of water and marine sediments and air, using analytical procedures in accordance with international standards. In this study, among others, the tasks of sampling, in situ measurements, analysis of chemical, physical-chemical and biological parameters, evaluation of compliance with environmental quality indicators and proposing measures will be carried out. DOWNLOAD PDF Return MEDGAZ External Relations

The Harbour of Almería, MEDGAZ and The University of Almería renew their collaboration one year more Read More »

MEDGAZ provides clean energy to Almería, Spain and Europe

MEDGAZ provides/supplies clean energy to Almería, Spain and Europe Marcos Tuite, director general MEDGAZ Almería, 24/04/2014 MEDGAZ is a company from Almería, declared to be of public interest by the European Union, which has innovated with the construction of the first Mediterranean submarine gas pipeline built at more than 2,000 meters depth, specifically 2,160 meters, and is able to transport in just 18 hours a source of clean energy from the Algerian deposits to the Spanish homes. In addition, it’s a sustainable project, as natural gas is one of the cleanest, safest and most useful of all energy sources, that’s why its entry into operation in April 2011 has meant an improvement in security of Spanish supply , a more direct way which contributes to fulfil the Kyoto Protocol. Therefore, MEDGAZ is the Company responsible for the construction of the gas pipeline Algeria- Europe, via Spain. It Imports natural gas directly from Beni Saf, on the Algerian coast. With an initial capacity of 8 billions square meters a year, it brings natural gas directly form the Compression Station in Beni Saf, on the Algerian coast, to Almería to the Reception Terminal on the Perdigal beach (The Alquian). MEDGAZ does not sell or own this hydrocarbon; its mission is to transport Algerian gas from Algeria to its entry in Spain in the most efficient and economical way as possible. The rapidity of supply is reflected in the fact that it takes about 12 hours to a gas molecule that has been millions of years inside the Sahara desert to reach the Algerian coast. MEDGAZ makes it cross the Mediterranean in just six more hours, through the submarine pipe. In short, a gas molecule that leaves the site at 0 o’clock is counsumed in homes in Spain or in the Spanish industry at 6 o’clock in the afternoon. Only 18 hours! At present, the natural gas that carries MEDGAZ already represents 25% of the total distributed in Spain. The expected technical life of the pipeline exceeds 50 years, reason why it is planned to cover the demands of natural gas in the long term. In the same way, MEDGAZ contributes to maintain a reasonable balance between natural gas by pipeline (GN) and liquefied natural gas (LNG). 100% Almerian The Company, which invoiced 205 million euros in 2013, is 100% from Almería, the town where the Reception Terminal, its offices and the control room are located. This fact means that it pays its taxes in Andalusia, with the consequent benefits for the province. At the same time, through the Port of Almería, the company manages its maintenance and logistic activities. In the same way MEDGAZ has opted for local staff, with the creation of 60 jobs in Almería, with an average age between 30 and 35 years old, and a special incidence among women. These are highly qualified professionals, who participate in ongoing technical and language training programs. Another objective of MEDGAZ, within its social responsibility, is the reconciliation of the work and family life of its workers. MEDGAZ, which has Sonatrach(43%), Cepsa (42%) and Gas Natural Fenosa (15%) as shareholders, has signed an collaboration agreement with the Port of Almería and the University of Almería (UAL), for which it is developing a research program on environmental management, and collaborates to several different social action in the province. As part of MEDGAZ’s commitment to sustainability, the Company has obtained the certification that recognizes the environmental quality of its infrastructure and all the processes that integrate the project management, according to the ISO 14001 International Environment Management Standard. It also has the Quality management certificate ISO 9001. In the same way, and due to its concerns and respect for industrial safety and hygiene, it has been recognized by OSHAS 18001 International Standard. Clean Energy But in fact, what is the natural gas? Natural gas is one of the essential sources for providing energy in the Word. It is one of the cleanest, safest and most useful of all energy sources. Natural gas is a mix of gaseous hydrocarbons, mainly methane. It may include small proportions of ethane, propane and butane. It is a colorless, odorless gas. As a fossil energy, it comes essentially from the remains of plants, animals and microorganisms that lived on earth millions of years ago. There are different theories about its origin. The most widely accepted indicates that it originated when these remains of organic matter were compressed underground under very high pressures and for a long time. Unlike other fossil fuels such as coal and oil, natural gas produces clean combustion and emits lower levels of potentially polluting gases into the atmosphere. The products of the combustion of natural gas are essentially carbon dioxide and water vapor, the same products that we exhale when breathing. Natural gas is therefore the cleanest fossil energy, and its use helps to reduce the emission of pollutants into the atmosphere and reduce the greenhouse effect in relation to other energies. The current volume is estimated at about 180 billion cubic meters, enough to supply the world for more than 65 years. If in the sixties natural gas still did not have the relevance it has subsequently acquired, today it accounts for a quarter of the primary energy used in Europe. It is no longer the energy of the future, but the energy of the present. It is the cleanest and most efficient hydrocarbon with a wide range of uses, both domestic (cooking, hot water and heating) and industrial (cogeneration, steam production, furnace heating, smelting, drying, and heating) and is big part in the power generation (Combine cycle plants). Spain, and also how not Almería, supplies the lack of national raw material with its position more than privileged between the European market and the deposits of the Maghreb. We are the closest point with Algeria. In this line, Almería by its geographical location is a strategic enclave, being one of the few provinces that did not have direct access to the natural gas.

MEDGAZ provides clean energy to Almería, Spain and Europe Read More »

A Clean energy for Almería, Spain and Europe

A Clean energy for Almería, Spain and Europe Marcos Tuite, MEDGAZ General Manager Almería, 12/11/2013 Natural gas is one of the essential sources for providing energy in the Word. It is one of the cleanest, safest and most useful of all energy sources. Natural gas is a mix of gaseous hydrocarbons, mainly methane. It may include small proportions of ethane, propane and butane. It is a colorless, odorless gas. As a fossil energy, it comes essentially from the remains of plants, animals and microorganisms that lived on earth millions of years ago. There are different theories about its origin. The most widely accepted indicates that it originated when these remains of organic matter were compressed underground under very high pressures and for a long time. Unlike other fossil fuels such as coal and oil, natural gas produces clean combustion and emits lower levels of potentially polluting gases into the atmosphere. The products of the combustion of natural gas are essentially carbon dioxide and water vapor, the same products that we exhale when breathing. Natural gas is therefore the cleanest fossil energy, and its use helps to reduce the emission of pollutants into the atmosphere and reduce the greenhouse effect in relation to other energies. The current volume is estimated at about 180 billion cubic meters, enough to supply the world for more than 65 years. If in the sixties natural gas still did not have the relevance it has subsequently acquired, today it accounts for a quarter of the primary energy used in Europe. It is no longer the energy of the future, but the energy of the present. It is the cleanest and most efficient hydrocarbon with a wide range of uses, both domestic (cooking, hot water and heating) and industrial (cogeneration, steam production, furnace heating, smelting, drying, and heating) and is big part in the power generation (Combine cycle plants). Spain, and also how not Almeria, supplies the lack of national raw material with its position more than privileged between the European market and the deposits of the Maghreb. We are the closest point with Algeria. The construction has aimed to directly link the Algerian gas fields with Spain. It is the shortest, direct, safe and economical way of supplying to southern Europe. At present, the natural gas that carries MEDGAZ already represents 25% of the one that is distributed in our country. In this line, Almeria by its geographical location is a strategic enclave, being one of the few provinces that did not have direct access to the natural gas. MEDGAZ does not sell or own this hydrocarbon; our mission is to transport Algerian gas from Algeria to its entry in Spain in the most efficient and economical way as possible, being here in the Perdigal Beach where it is delivered to the national transport manager. This location gives Almeria a great opportunity, being the region of Marble the fist that will benefit from the proximity of this infrastructure. Innovation in Engineering The construction of MEDGAZ has been an innovation in engineering, as it is the first Mediterranean submarine gas pipeline built at more than 2,000 meters depth, specifically 2,160 meters. Its length is 201 km. To perform this infrastructure some of the best companies in this sector in the world have participate. In the same way, MEDGAZ contributes to maintain a reasonable balance between natural gas by pipeline (GN) and liquefied natural gas (LNG). MEDGAZ connected its gas pipeline to the Spanish gas system on March 5, 2011 and began commercial operations on April 1. The expected technical life of the pipeline exceeds 50 years, reason why it is planned to cover the demands of natural gas in the long term. DOWNLOAD PDF Return MEDGAZ External Relations

A Clean energy for Almería, Spain and Europe Read More »

MEDGAZ celebrates its first year of activity with 100% disponibility

MEDGAZ celebrates its first year of activity with 100% disponibility The operation of the system has been stable during the first year of imports of natural gas into Spain. The Board of Directors commemorates the ephemeris at the meeting held today in Almería. MEDGAZ has its headquarters and employs 60 people in Almería. Almería, 30/05/2012 MEDGAZ completed on the last 1 May the first year of the beginning of the commercial operations of importing natural gas from Algeria to Spain through its gas pipeline, and the anniversary has been commemorated in the Board of Directors Celebrated today, May 30, at its headquarters in Almeria. During the session, it was reminded with satisfaction that the gas pipeline is technically stable with 100% availability during its already 400 days MEDGAZ connected its gas pipeline to the Spanish gas system on March 5, 2011 and began commercial operations on April 1. In this line, MEDGAZ has successfully incorporated itself into the set of alternative gas infrastructures for entry, with a similar degree of utilization during 2011. The expected technical life of the pipeline exceeds 50 years, reason why it is planned to cover the demands of natural gas in the long term. Employment in Almería The Company is nowadays one hundred percent from Almeria, after moving its headquarters from Madrid to Almeria, where the Reception Terminal, its offices and the control room are located. This fact means that it pays its taxes in Andalusia, with the consequent benefits for the province. At the same time, through the Port of Almeria, the company manages its maintenance and logistic activities. In the same way MEDGAZ has opted for local staff, with the creation of 60 jobs in Almeria, with an average age between 30 and 35 years old, and a special incidence among women. These are highly qualified professionals, who participate in ongoing technical and language training programs. Another objective of MEDGAZ, within its social responsibility, is the reconciliation of the work and family life of its workers. MEDGAZ, which has Sonatrach (36%), Cepsa (20%), Iberdrola (20%), Endesa (12%) and Gaz De France Suez (12%), as shareholders, is the Company responsible for the construction of the gas pipeline Algeria- Europe, via Spain, as well as its transportation. It Imports natural gas directly from Beni Saf, on the Algerian coast, to Almeria. Its entry into operation has meant an improvement in security of supply, a more direct and therefore cost-effective way of supplying southern Europe and a positive contribution to the objectives set out in the Kyoto Protocol by bringing closer clean energy, as is natural gas. The construction of MEDGAZ has been an innovation in engineering, as it is the first Mediterranean submarine gas pipeline built at more than 2,000 meters depth, specifically 2,160 meters. Its length is 201 km. To perform this infrastructure some of the best companies in this sector in the world have participate. More than 900 million euros have been invested. As part of MEDGAZ’s commitment to sustainability, the Company has obtained the certification that recognizes the environmental quality of its infrastructure and all the processes that integrate the project management. In this regard, it has successfully passed the certification process in accordance with the ISO 14001 International Environment Management Standard. It also has the Quality management certificate ISO 9001. In the same way, and due to its concerns and respect for industrial safety and hygiene, it has been recognized by OSHAS 18001 International Standard. At the same time, it has signed a collaboration agreement with the Port of Almeria and the University of Almeria (UAL), for which it is developing a research program on environmental management. MEDGAZ: Technical Data Sheet Capacity: 8 bcm/year Length: 210 Km (between Beni Saf and Almería). Diameter: 24 inches (610 mm). Maximum water depth: 2,160 m. Land based facilities: Compressor Station (Algeria) and Receiving Terminal (Almería). Investment: 900 million euros. Shareholders: SONATRACH (36%), CEPSA (20%), IBERDROLA (20%), ENDESA (12%) and GAZ DE FRANCE SUEZ (12%). DOWNLOAD PDF Return MEDGAZ External Relations

MEDGAZ celebrates its first year of activity with 100% disponibility Read More »

MEDGAZ connects the pipeline to the Spanish gas network within the testing phase

MEDGAZ connects the pipeline to the Spanish gas network within the testing phase Today, 5th March the Almerian mayor and the government’s subdelegate opened the entry valve to Enagas On 1st March the gas pipeline started to be filled Almería, 05/03/2011 Today, as a symbolic act within the testing phase, the Almeria mayor, Luis Rogelio Rodriguez-Comendador and the national government’s subdelegate in Almería, Andrés Heras, opened the MEDGAZ pipeline valve connecting it to the Spanish gas network. This is a major milestone for the company marking the beginning of the importation of Algerian gas to Spain via the MEDGAZ gas pipeline. This new step took place in the reception terminal situated in the “Playa de Perdigal” on the Almería coast, in the presence of the Almerian Subdelegation Director of the Department of Industry and Energy, Luis Díaz de Quijano and the Managing Director of MEDGAZ, Juan Antonio Vera. The company, comprising the shareholders Sonatrach, Cepsa, Iberdrola, Endesa and Gaz de France Suez, is in the final stage of the testing programme with gas. On 1st March, after the verification of all units in the Compression Terminal in Beni Saf, the Algerian “offshore” valve was opened in order to to start filling the marine pipeline and commence with gas at the Reception Terminal in Almería. The act on 1st March, was assisted by the Sonatrach Chief Executive Noureddine Cherouati and the MEDGAZ President Pedro Miró as well as the Algerian authorities and directors of the partner companies. The test sequence of the MEDGAZ pipeline consists of commissioning and start up phases. During the commissioning phase all systems were verified, whereas for the start up phase the gas is being progressively introduced. Natural gas is currently flowing through the gas pipeline and today it has been connected to the Spanish gas network via the Enagas pipeline in order to continue increasing volumes to reach full system capacity in a stable and reliable way. MEDGAZ foresees that the pipeline will be technically prepared for operation within a few weeks. MEDGAZ is the company responsible for the construction and operation of the deep water gas pipeline from Algeria to Europe via Spain which supplies natural gas directly from Beni Saf on the Algerian coast to Almeria at an initial capacity of 8 bcm per year. Its operation offers improvements by ensuring the gas supply and providing a more direct and cost-effective route to southern Europe thereby positively contributing to the targets set in the Kyoto Protocol by providing a clean-burning fuel such as natural gas. MEDGAZ: Technical Data Sheet Capacity: 8 bcm/year Length: 210 Km (between Beni Saf and Almería). Diameter: 24 inches (610 mm). Maximum water depth: 2,160 m. Land based facilities: Compressor Station (Algeria) and Receiving Terminal (Almería). Investment: 900 million euros. Shareholders: SONATRACH (36%), CEPSA (20%), IBERDROLA (20%), ENDESA (12%) and GAZ DE FRANCE SUEZ (12%). DOWLOAD PDF Return MEDGAZ External Relations

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